Gallery Talks

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Gallery Talks

WEEK 1 Artists (Virtual): Friday, June 27 ONLY at 6:30 PM Eastern Time.

FRIDAY: Virtual Week Gallery Talk at 6:30 PM. Presentations will be streamed on the Common Ground on the Hill YouTube Channel HERE.

WEEK 2 Artists (In-Person): Monday-Thursday, July 7-11 at 6:30 PM. FREE

Location: Monday - Wednesday: Rice Gallery, Peterson Hall. Thursday: Grove Studio outside the Arts Studio

NOTE: The Instructors Art Show is available for viewing in Rice Gallery, Peterson Hall, from 8:30 - 4:30 PM daily!

MONDAY: Photography & Photoshop and Documentary Film Making, Chinese Printmaking, Drawing, Baltimore Screen Painting, Watercolor, Matting & Framing and building community murals with artists Randall Gornowich, Cary Wolfson, Richard Anderson, Irene Chan, Claudia Konkus, Michael Seipp, Ellen Elmes and Don Elmes.

TUESDAY: Wood Sculpture, Native American Ceramics, Stained Glass, Mosaics, Jewelry & Metalsmithing with artists Thomas Sterner, Nicole Diem, Lillie Vann, Ragtime, Lalo Carrera, April Wood, Sara Murphy, Wayne Werner and Barbara Bayne.

WEDNESDAY: Needle Felted Animals, Brick Stitch, Rya Rug Making, Shaker Seat Weaving with artists Gayle Mathues, Joanne Bast, Melinda Byrd, and Keith Taylor.

THURSDAY: (in The Grove) Native American Flute Making, Blacksmithing, Furniture Making, Building a Dugout Canoe, Making Earth Pigments and Indigo Dye Traditions with artists Jeremy Wright, Shel Browder, Steve Mankowski, Ken Koons, Pat Brodowski and Kibibi Ajanku.

FRIDAY: STUDENT ART SHOW (The Studio) - See the art creations by students in this week's Visual Arts classes!

WEEK 3 Artists (In-Person): Monday-Friday, July 14-18 at 6:30 PM in Rice Gallery, Peterson Hall. FREE

NOTE: The Instructors Art Show is available for viewing in Rice Gallery, Peterson Hall, from 8:30 - 4:30 PM daily!

MONDAY: Photography & Photoshop, Oil and Pastel Painting, Card Making, Ecco Drawing, Celtic Bookmaking with artists Sasha Lane, Stuart Dahne, Barb Steele, Susan Maseth, Carolyn Seabolt, Rachel Wojnar, and Shawn Lockhart.

TUESDAY: Native American Sculpture, Dream Catchers and Ceramics, Decoy Carving, Leather Smithing, Puppetry, Jewelry & Metalsmithing with artists Jeremy Wright, Nick Corso, Rich Smoker, Ty Pitman, Katherine La Pietra, Joanne Bast, Gina Copanzzi and Linda Van Hart.

WEDNESDAY: Japanese Painted Silk, Gullah Rag Quilting, Sewing, Spinning, Bobbin Lace, Sweet Grass and Egg Baskets with artists,Yuh Okano, Cookie Washington, Virginia Harrison, Susan Withnell, Katherine La Pietra, Mary Graham Grant, and Sharon Schaefer.

THURSDAY: (in The Grove) Creating Dyes from Plants, The Art of Flint Knapping with artists Pat Brodowski and Guy Neal introduced by Jeremy Wright playing Native American Flute.

FRIDAY: STUDENT ART SHOW (The Studio) - See the art creations by students in this week's Visual Arts classes!


Something For Everyone

Schedule a week or two, or three! Or, just sprinkle some classes in between other commitments.

Week 1

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Week 3

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