
Your donation makes the common thread stronger and helps more people find common ground.

There are many ways you can support Common Ground on the Hill

In 2024, we enter the 30th summer session of Common Ground on the Hill. Those years have seen remarkable programming across a spectrum of the traditional arts that is complex, inclusive and restorative to the human spirit.

The formula that creates the Common Ground on the Hill program requires financial resources beyond what student tuition generates. So, part of the operation of Common Ground requires asking for financial donations from those who care about the institution.

Common Ground on the Hill is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Donations to Common Ground on the Hill are tax deductible.

Please consider a donation to keep this program of the traditional arts alive and well.

To donate via check, mail to:

Common Ground on the Hill

2 College Hill

Westminster, MD 21157


Click the link below OR use the QR code below to make a direct donation to the Scholarship Fund of Common Ground on the Hill, using Paypal OR using a credit card. Donations can be designated to a specific fund such as the Veterans Initiative Fund or the Steve Mandell Memorial Scholarship Fund by writing in that fund's name. Undesignated funds will be applied to the general scholarship fund.


Scan code to make a direct donation to the Scholarship Fund of Common Ground on the Hill

You may mail a donation check to this address:

Common Ground on the Hill
2 College Hill
Westminster, MD 21157

NOTE: If you are making a memorial or scholarship donation (for instance, Vets Initiative or Mandell Music Scholarship), please note the specific name in the memo line.

Thank you for your help!!! ​

Let your old clunker become a part of concerts, workshops, Traditions Weeks, festivals and more when you donate through the CARS Vehicle Donation program.

It's as simple as 1-2-3!

  1. Call 855-500-RIDE (855-500-7433) or complete the easy online form HERE.
  2. Hand over the keys - CARS will pick up your car, at no cost to you!
  3. Keep your receipt for tax purposes - CARS will handle the rest and Common Ground on the Hill will receive the benefit of your donation!

Donating Appreciated Securities

Giving stock held more than 12 months can be better than giving cash. You avoid paying capital-gains tax on the increase in value of your stock. In addition, you receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift.

How to Donate Stock

​Stockbrokers require instructions in writing. You will need to give the following delivery information to your broker to make a gift to Common Ground on the Hill

Firm: RBC Wealth Management

Contact: Carroll Yingling 410-848-9333

RBC Wealth Management, Westminster Branch,  15 S. Cranberry Rd, Suite B, Westminster, MD 21157

DTC# 0235

FBO: Common Ground on the Hill, LTD

A/C#    319-50726

Reference: Donor Name

​It is important to notify Common Ground on the Hill by phone, email, or letter when you plan on making a stock donation.  Please have your broker or broker's assistant contact RBC Wealth Management on the day of the transfer to advise them of what is being sent. To ensure the timely completion of your transaction, or if you have any questions, please contact Common Ground on the Hill Office Administrator, Matthew Vinson at (410) 857-2771.

Common Ground on the Hill recommends that you consult with your tax advisor regarding questions about tax deductions.

More Ways to Help!


Create a fundraiser on your Facebook page to celebrate your birthday or other life events. It's simple to set up, and Common Ground on the Hill receives 100% of funds raised! Click HERE to get started!


CARS vehicle donation program allows you to dispose of an old vehicle and benefit Common Ground on the Hill!


​Giving stock held more than 12 months can be better than giving cash. You avoid paying capital-gains tax on the increase in value of your stock. In addition, you receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift. Click HERE for more information!



Apply Now

Interested in volunteering in the office or during concerts? Send an email to

Donate By Credit Card

If you know of more ways that our community can get involved, please let us know!

What is Common Ground on the Hill?

In 1994, Walt Michael came back to his home state of Maryland with a mission and vision to create interracial harmony through the traditional arts.

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visit us on YouTube!

Common Ground on the Hill is proud to be a regional folklife center of
maryland state arts council's maryland traditions program,
in residence at mcdaniel college in westminster, md.

Common ground on the hill is funded in part by grants from

Something For Everyone

Schedule a week or two, or three! Or, just sprinkle some classes in between other commitments.

Week 1

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Week 2

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Week 3

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