Introduction to Silk Scarf Hand Painting with Yuh Okano

Class Details

Introduction to Silk Scarf Hand Painting with Yuh Okano

Learn the Japanese art of hand painting on silk.

Week 1 Instructor(s)
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Week 2 Instructor(s)
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Week 3 Instructor(s)
Period Three
1:00 pm
Period Four
2:30 pm
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In this workshop, you will learn to degum the surface of a silk organdy scarf. Degumming is the process of removing sericin (silk gum) from silk. Removing the gum improves the silk's luster, color, feel, and texture. Most commercial silk fabrics are sold completely degummed, but in this work shop you will learn how silk fibers can be degummed and hand-painted on the areas where sericin remains and where it has been removed, giving layers of depth and texture to colors and patterns.

Limit: 10 students, ages 16 and up.

Materials fee: $50-$100 includes silk organza ($35) and 4 dye colors ($15), sample fabrics, extra dyes, chemicals/soda ash, acid vinegar, and blushes,

Students should bring:

  • Brushes - Large 4, Small 4 (or purchase Japanese brush / Large $60.00, Small $35.00)
  • Containers - 10-20 (for dyes and for cleaning) Yogurt containers in any sizes are useful.
  • Apron
  • Gloves
  • Dust cloth 2-3
  • Sketch book for designing and planning
  • Color pencils for designing and planning
  • Any pictures for image reference


Something For Everyone

Schedule a week or two, or three! Or, just sprinkle some classes in between other commitments.

Week 1

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Week 2

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Week 3

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