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In 1964 I had a folk trio called the Young -Uns. I was 15. It was then I came in contact with many people who are now legends of traditional music. It was life changing.  I set my compass to a very clear though unknown destination. There was a world of old time traditional or whatever it might be called out there and I was going to find it. Folk Music was my destination and I am still headed there.

The music has taken me on a mighty road. I have no regrets.

In the late 60s I moved to Bloomington Indiana where I came in contact with a collision of folklore students, bluegrass pickers , oldtime fiddlers, jazz cats, rock and roll musicians, song writers, dancers and a myriad of other musical influences both local and international. Bliss.

I saw then a community where all of the music was informing all the music. That notion has stayed with me always.

I played in lots of bands of many stripes then. I was the guitar player in a Bluegrass band and the banjo player in an old time band. I was writing tunes and songs that did and did not fit in those musical formats. I made a record that had banjo, horns and fuzz wa bass. Genre bender all the way.

Later I had a band called Eclectricity. We played many different musics. Traditional music that sounded original and original music that sounded traditional.

I worked for a story telling theater company called Mad River Theater Works for 35 years making and touring original plays with original music. Many many songs and stories. My love of traditions blended with a respect for what people say and sing to each other. I have always felt cradled in the loving arms of the music. The music that has cradled humanity since people needed a way to humor, educate, entertain, calm, excite, and every other need. Pass time and pleasure, up tight and cooled out. I go on. Thank you music.

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