Painting Plants and Their Pollinators with Barbara Steele

Class Details

Painting Plants and Their Pollinators with Barbara Steele

Paint close up and realistic images of flowers and the insects that pollinate them.

Week 1 Instructor(s)
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Week 2 Instructor(s)
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Week 3 Instructor(s)
Period One
9:00 am
Period Two
10:30 am
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Students will work with a plant expert to paint close up and realistic images of their choice of flowers and the insects that pollinate them in the water-based painting media of either watercolor or acrylics. Watercolors are transparent. Although acrylics can be used transparently, they are generally considered an opaque media. Composition of a good painting and application techniques will be explored.

Limit: 10 students, ages 16 and up.

Materials student should bring: Please brings all the supplies needed for your choice of media—watercolor or acrylics, sketchbook/paper, drawing implements or paints. For Acrylics: no larger than a 11x14 canvas. Bring images of plants and closeup photos of insects. A phone, tablet, or computer is helpful.

Recommended reading: The Girl Who Drew Butterflies by Joyce Sidman

NOTE: See the associated Plants Speak class during Traditions Week 1 HERE!


Something For Everyone

Schedule a week or two, or three! Or, just sprinkle some classes in between other commitments.

Week 1

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Week 2

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Week 3

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