Keynote: Honoring the Past, Empowering the Future w Melaney Sanchez & Linda Booth Sweeney

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Keynote: Honoring the Past, Empowering the Future w Melaney Sanchez & Linda Booth Sweeney

The Power of Voice, Unity, and Community Engagement

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Keynote Address: Monday, June 23at 8 PM Eastern Time. FREE - view on the Common Ground on the Hill Official YouTube Channel HERE.

This keynote is a celebration of history, the power of voice, and the boundless potential that arises when we engage with our communities, each contributing in meaningful ways. Join us for a discussion about how a Teacher Librarian partnered with Linda Booth Sweeney, the author of Monument Maker, and the National Park Service to inspire her elementary students to see themselves as catalysts for the future. This discussion will invite you to step up, take ownership from a new perspective, and create a better, more inclusive vision for initiatives in your community. 


Something For Everyone

Schedule a week or two, or three! Or, just sprinkle some classes in between other commitments.

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