You have some basic chords memorized - what's next?
Can you play some basic uke chords? Can you handle basic strumming? Do you feel comfortable enough to take it to the next level and do you want to learn a bunch of really cool songs? We will explore some of your favorite tunes from the rock and folk eras, dig deep into the Great American Songbook and all the while we will be learning some very cool techniques and tricks. On Thursday and Friday we will devote all our time to hearing and learning some of the funniest songs ever written. What’s not to like? - Guitar players note! If you can play the guitar you can play the uke, you just don’t know it yet. If you are a reasonable guitarist bring those skills to this class and instantly become a ukulelist! All you need is a cheap uke.
Schedule a week or two, or three! Or, just sprinkle some classes in between other commitments.