

Teaches these classes at Traditions Weeks

Pacific Northwest born and raised, and off-gridding Queen, Holly lives on the Olympic Peninsula on her 34 acres of managed timber in the home she built. Holly is a full time Psych Major, Master Gardener through Washington State and works as a Veterans Service Officer at the Northwest Veterans Resource Center. She works with several non-profit organizations assisting veterans, as the President of the Clallam County Veterans Association, grant writer for the Green Alliance for Veterans Education and on the board of Oliver H. Rowe. Holly joined the Marine Corps in 2001 to give other Marines the chance to “come home” and she now continues that aspiration in helping Veterans transition into civilian life and navigate the VA. She is very passionate about the outdoors and spends her spare time exploring the woods, gardening, and surfing.

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Something For Everyone

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Week 1

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Week 2

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