Come, Stand on Common Ground.

Experience artistic traditions combined with a timeless vision and mission.

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What is Common Ground on the Hill?

In 1994, Walt Michael came back to his home state of Maryland with a mission and vision to create interracial harmony through the traditional arts.

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Common Ground on the Hill is proud to be a regional folklife center of
maryland state arts council's maryland traditions program,
in residence at mcdaniel college in westminster, md.

Common ground on the hill is funded in part by grants from


Through Participation

The quickest way to find common ground is to join with others in the arts. Start today by watching, listening, speaking, hearing, playing, and participating with those who are like and unlike you.

Traditions Weeks Instructors

Meet the instructors who will inspire and guide you on your search for common ground.

Something For Everyone

Schedule a week or two! Or, just sprinkle some classes in between other commitments.

Week 1

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Week 2

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Week 3

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